Thursday, January 2, 2014

Are We Done Yet?

When I think back to the first day of Drifunkmas, it seems like so long ago.  It really does.  I feel like I waited for a month for Mike to return from Colorado while I eeked out the last bit of energy necessary to finish out the week before Christmas break in an elementary school.  When Mike left, we were in the midst of a snow event.  He returned just after a state of emergency prompted by an ice event.  Now it's just frickin' cold.  It is so very cold.  I sincerely cannot sit close enough to the wood stove right now.

All of that aside, Mike and I have continued our Drifunkmas tradition.  I must say though, that nights 10 and 11 have not been entirely satisfying.

Day 10...

Tequila Surprise

1 oz. Tequila
8 drops Tobasco

I really don't even know what to say about this one.  Neither one of us particularly enjoys tequila, especially in the form of a shot.  Offer me up a good Margarita on a hot summer day and I'm sold.  A shot of tequila with a splash of hot sauce on a sub-zero evening?  Not so much.  I would not go down this road again.

Day 11...


2 oz. vodka
1/2 oz. Triple Sec
Dash lime juice

I really had high hopes for this one.  We had tried the Blue Kamikaze several nights ago and we were met with disappointment.  The fact that this one had less lime juice had me feeling quite positive.  After we drank it, I was driven to find other recipes for this same shot.  Here is what I found:
1.25 oz. vodka
.25 oz. triple sec
.25 oz. lime juice

Equal parts vodka, triple sec and lime juice
1.5 oz vodka
.75 oz. Triple sec
.75 oz. Lime juice

Clearly, the recipes differ somewhat.  The one we had, the one I found on Pinterest, was AWFUL.  I think equal parts of each is the way to go.  Mike's immediate gasp after finishing the shot was, "Too much vodka!"  I agree.

I'm going to have to do some serious research for tomorrow night's grand finale.  Wish me luck!

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