I have always wanted to try Hot Buttered Rum. The name itself implies alcohol infused buttery goodness. How could you go wrong with that? When I found this recipe on Pinterest (can you believe it?), I had to include it in the 12 Days of Drifunkmas. After serving a stellar version of breakfast for dinner (including tater tot crown home fries ), I began whipping up the Buttered Rum Mixture. Think about it... 2 cups of brown sugar, two sticks of butter, two cups of melted vanilla ice cream and some spices. Wow. Could you spread that on a stack of pancakes for me please? What? I should combine that with a healthy "splash" of dark rum and some hot water and just drink it? Well now we're talking.

We were fortunate enough to have our good friends Brian and Heather Christensen (that's "-ensen", not "-ianson". Get it right already. Geesh). Although Heather appeared enthusiastic about the dark rum based concoction, Brian, as you can see, was a little more hesitant. I must admit that I was a little over zealous with the nutmeg and cinnamon garnish, but after adding a touch more of the buttered rum mixture, we had a pretty good balance. Here are the ratings:
Mike: 8 "as a holiday drink"
Brian: 6 (but a 7 after more mix, or maybe rum, was added)
Heather: 8.5
Vicki: 8.5
This is definitely a cold weather drink, and I could imagine enjoying this after any winter experience, including a quick jaunt to the mail box. The beauty of this beverage is the fact that the recipe makes a significant amount of Buttered Rum Mix, which can be frozen and enjoyed AS NEEDED. For that reason alone, I'm very happy that I made this artery clogging beverage.
Tomorrow brings us to Drifunkmas 2012's Day #5.
Vodka Irish Chocolate Martini-I have to admit that this is my own modified version of a drink that I found on the internet that involved really expensive ingredients, but here it is...
Merrys Irish Cream Liquour
Chocolate Syrup
Throw the desired amounts together in a shaker with ice and strain into a martini glass.
I'm thinking this is basically a Black Russian laced with chocolate. Twist my arm.
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