Before I talk about my weekend though, I feel that it's necessary to show off some other Ladies of the Adirondacks. Working in an elementary school allows me the priveledge of working with many fun and interesting people (mainly women in this case). Natalee and I decided to show our support of the Steelers' big game against the Ravens this weekend by having a black and gold Friday.
Now I should get back to reporting this weekend's activities. Saturday was the family's big Christmas limo dinner. It was a van this year though, not a limo. It's amazing how bad a limo ride can be when you're traveling those back roads between Elizabethtown, Essex and Jay. Oof. Not good for the stomach. Because of that, we decided a van would be better, and it was indeed.
This year we headed to the Deer's Head in Elizabethtown for appetizers. Yum! We enjoyed some delicious crab cakes, fried brie, and breaded mushrooms.
The food was great and we knew we were well on our way to a very fine evening indeed. When we finished up there, we hopped back in the van to head to Turtle Island Cafe where we would be enjoying dinner. The food, as always, was fantastic. I enjoyed some coconut shrimp with dumplings
After we finished stuffing ourselves there, it was time to get back in the van and travel the short distance to the McClay's house for an after-dinner drink and some dessert.
The McClays are a great pair, and they certainly know how to entertain!
It wasn't long after we got there and had finished our dessert and Irish coffees that we had to hit the road again. This time we were all homeward bound. We were all sufficiently stuffed to appreciate the comforts of our own homes. That brings me to today. Today was the day for the kids. Once again we gathered at Mom and Dad's in order to have a meal fit for kids and let them open the copious amounts of gifts that were under the tree.
We even got to see Lilly do her Bon Bon dance with her dad. Look at the innocence on both of their faces!
Needless to say, I'm pleasantly exhausted and very grateful for the comfort of my couch this evening.
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