After careful consideration I decided that a charity organization was what the Beer Run Association would be. Want to raise money? Call the Beer Run Association and I'll organize a run to make money for your organization. I still anticipate that one of the major beer distributors will sponsor one of my events... how can they not?
I am currently in the midst of the beginning of my dream. Some fabulous folks in my town hold an event to make money to go towards research for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that has hit more than one prominent person in our community. What better organization could I choose to start my quest? None.
On June 4th, the Beer Run Association will hold its first charity event, and I couldn't be more proud. I don't care if it's only 5 people (although I'm hoping for 10 times that amount). My idea of fun is becoming functional and that's what it's all about.
I hope that anyone reading this participates in one way or another... either volunteering for the event, participating in the motorcycle ride, shaking their groove thing at the Zumbathon that is going on at the same time or bidding on something at the silent auction.... be a part of this. It's really important.