Meet Corey and Kristen Pandolph...
You see, Corey is kind of a "big deal". He's a syndicated cartoonist. He started out as a Saranac Lake local. Need I say more? Mike, Corey and I all met in our early to late 20's when we worked at The Mirror Lake Inn. Ahh... those were the days. Anyway, the Beer Run Association was in desperate need of a logo for the Beer Run Association's 1st Annual 5k Fun Run to benefit ALS. Corey was willing to do it for a few beers.
After many failed attempts to meet, it finally worked out this weekend (Corey, please note that I did not mention any stars that might be in alignment). Corey and Kristen were meeting us at 20 for the big reunion and to see how his creative mind had met with my own vision. I believe I told him to picture a full mug of beer running toward a finish line wearing nothing but a cheesy head band and a smile. I think he got it about right.

What was the most amazing part of this whole weekend was the instant reconnection that Mike and I felt to people we hadn't seen in so long. I'm sure that collectively we have been through more than any one of us could possibly process in a single sitting, yet we are still the same people. Full of jokes, laughs and a desire to have a good time. Thank you, Corey and Kristen for your willingness to reconnect. We can't wait to see you again!