Attending Oktoberfest has been a tradition in my little family for at least five years now. Not one to break tradition, we again headed to Whiteface for this year's festivities. Unfortunately, my true partner in crime, Mike, could not be there with us as he had to work (no day off since August 23rd). I was quite sad, but managed to have a good time anyway because The Ladies were there!
Ri and I hit Oktoberfest in time to have a yummy lunch. Ri opted to stay "all American" and enjoyed a fresh batch of chicken fingers with fries. I went with the whole German theme and enjoyed a pork sandwich with gravy and a side of braised red cabbage. As always, it was absolutely delicious! We sat under the large tent and watched to dancers stomp their feet. We even joined in on the "ticky tacky ticky tacky oy oy oy" shout with gusto.
Lauren, who always works Oktoberfest because she is a Whiteface Mountain goddess, stopped by for a visit. She hung out for a bit before she was called back to duty, but then returned to have her lunch with us. She opted for the grilled chicken with German potato salad. She said it was quite tasty as well.
Shortly thereafter, the Hanfs joined the party. It didn't take the kids long to pilfer all of our small bills so they could win some prizes and take off on their own.

We didn't mind, because we were more into just hanging out, drinking beer and enjoying the lively scenery.

While doing this, we happened to notice our boys' former baseball coach and his son. Chuck didn't hesitate to join us and send his son off with the others. What fun and laughs. We had never really spent much social time with Chuck, and were pleasantly surprised to discover how funny he can be! Of course the beer helps with anyone's sense of humor. Although I took his picture, he wasn't real keen on the idea of it being on the Internet, so I'll respect his wishes. Oh well, maybe next time.
We didn't hesitate in having our pictures posted though, and we took our turns posing with the pink frog prize that appeared out of nowhere. We later discovered that River had won it.

Unfortunately duty called, and I was forced to leave the festivities to spend time with some other Ladies of the Adirondacks of a more goat-like nature. I was especially disappointed to leave when I discovered "yummy belly boy" (the guy with the great abs in a previous post) just arriving at Oktoberfest as I was leaving. I gave him a quick hug and continued on my way. Boo hiss!
Oh well. It was worth it, because my husband surprised me by showing up at the farm with a king can of Bud Light to enjoy together as the goats were milked. He helped me with the goat exchanging and it made it so much more pleasant. A simple thing, but very sweet indeed. Once finished at the farm, we headed home so I could quickly change before heading to Sierra's for a little chow and more fun.

Lauren and Gar showed up a little later with the always fashionable Lauren sporting her red, fleece, bunny pajama bottoms!