As stated in a previous post, every Thursday a bunch of the Ladies head to the beach for some relaxation. Well, yesterday was the Summer '09 Grand Finale. Due to the cooler temperatures that were expected for the day, the plan was made to hang at the beach for a few hours, and then reconvene on Sierra's porch for a barbecue, followed by sending the kids to the "movie sitters" while we enjoyed some icy, cold beverages at 20 Main. It was a fabulous day. In fact, I thought the weather was absolutely perfect. Extremely sunny, but without the unbearable heat. It was a little strange though, as some of our friends were missing...

It didn't take long for our kids to discover the fun that could be had with an empty lifeguard chair though.

It was just Lauren M., Sierra and I with our boys, and it was nice to watch them all play relatively peacefully together while we sat and chatted.

After we had finished up at the beach, we headed to Sierra's front porch. It's a great porch with plenty of seats and lots of locals to look at as they walk or drive by. The porch looked even better with the "Thursdays at the Beach Party Day" banner that Tys created.

Oh, and the dirty martinis made the porch look pretty darn good as well.

After a yummy meal of burgers, dogs, shells and cheese, cole slaw and corn-on-the-cob, we walked down Main Street to drop the kids off at the movies. The Ladies? Well now we headed across the street in a hurry after that. While there, we ran into a new and improved Scott, all freshy with his 50th birthday eve hair cut and beard trim.

Ya just gotta love 20...

It was a great day filled with laughs. The true measure of how well the day went was our boys' faces...

Moms, pat yourselves on the back. Job well done.